Friday, October 12, 2018


Hey, all! I know the writing has been sparse here, lately, as we focus on the Podcast, but I do, at least, want to start using this page as updates for that piece (and maybe still throw in a review from time to time).

That said, I just want to announce that there will be no episode next week because we're podcasting FROM NIGHTMARES FILM FESTIVAL starting on Thursday, 10/18/2018!

We'll have mini recap episodes posted every day, live Facebook feeds throughout the weekend with, hopefully, interviews with some of the directors, writers, and stars of these awesome films, a WHOLE lot of flirting with Jason Tostevin, the devilishly handsome maniac behind the festival, swag updates (because who doesn't like movie stuff?), and a big wrap-up on Sunday. (Which might, possibly, not go out until Monday, but this is our first time. Be gentle.)


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