Now that my life has obtained a little more order, let's jump right back in, OK?
There are times when I really do like this little hobby of mine and those moments are when I find something completely awesome that has flown under everybody's radar. Let me share this moment if I may.
Many of you know that my childhood was spent almost in it's entirety in front of the boob tube. This was no small feat because my parents would actually use the outdoors as punishment. All of that being said, Saturday Morning Mystery is my childhood nightmare come true.
Gee, Mr. Weatherby. You mean there's gh-gh-gh-gh-ghosts?!? |
Seriously, the only thing we're missing is an ascot.
Solvin' mysteries... pissin' off the cops. |
This is new to video so I'm not gonna go to far into it but suffice it to say that there's acid and satanism involved which totally make for some 80's throwback horror movie awesomeness. Y'know... with bad fashion choices.
And axes. |
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